Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Seething, scathing I will be
when she touches you
with her smile

when her eyes light your heart
the warm red of your ears
when you hold her hand

Prickly drops of yearn
will rise out of my back
like an exodus of flame

and when you bite into her cheek
Her lip
Her jaw line
I would melt, morph
into steam


AakASH!!! said...

Jealousy runs in my blood,
like a loci of ants coming back
having gathered the food
in a line alive.

Je-l-see burns my veins
like drops of liquid fire
gnawing each blood vessel

Je-lousy churns my mind,
firing synapses with electric
charge that trickle down my veins
and all is in vain.

Jealousy, is that you?

bricks and brimstone said...

'and all is in vain'

Jealousy, is that us?