Wednesday, November 28, 2007

we once watched the sun together

Just like you allow the hills
to seduce you
and have cold winds wrap
around your shoulders

Just like you match
every heartbeat with
its undulating echo
across the valley

I crave the beaches
- my home -
where the warm waters lap
leaving me shivering
I lie in the sand
watching wing-flapped screensavers

I remain as still as a rock
just the way you do
on the cliff
releasing a silent prayer

In that quietness
as the sun sets
We both can feel
the earth has moved

© Rochelle Potkar

(to VP)


AakASH!!! said...

...then discard it, as
a palpitation, a single
tremor within the heart

And go back to worship
the false gods, that we
know are not always there.

Lovely verse B&B!

bricks and brimstone said...

you made this path
a two-forked road

but at least you
and chose...