Friday, October 19, 2007


I imagine you to be who I want you to be.

In that case you are mine.
In that case you are a myth.
In that case you may be a muse.


Serendipity… said...

Your myth or your muse... In any case its yours & you are also free to imagine beyond a myth and a muse...

AakASH!!! said...

what the mighty mind sees
knows not when to cease...

hai na?

bricks and brimstone said...

LOL how encouraging your thoughts are.
I bow to the great 'heartfelt' and 'aakash!!!'

hai toh :)

AakASH!!! said...

definitives for mine and myth
and a maybe for a muse
whats the hidden story
here what lies abstruse?

bricks and brimstone said...

Simple questions are the difficult ones, so I try:

'you' are elusive but not elusive enough that you can't be mine

'you' are what I imagine, so you don't exist

but 'you' are that elusive that you may or may not want to be my muse or
you may want to be but this lust won't work, so the maybe

I shall pursue, though...
even the path of the muse is so intoxicating