Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Last laugh

You wouldn’t even believe how far our love story could go
We thought it would end when the sun set and waters receded

I thought it would end when my cat died, suddenly
You thought it would end when you didn’t get that raise

I thought, it would, when I saw how you still remembered her
You thought, it would, when you found someone else

I thought, it would, when you didn’t come calling for days on end
You thought, it would, when we meet face to face

I thought, it would, when we draw the last breath of a late evening
You thought, it would, as long as winter lasts (which is not long)

I thought, it would, when summer sets in
You thought, it would, when we finish all our thoughts

I thought, it would, the moment we shared our last embrace
You thought, it would, when we have nothing more to say

It outdid all of us
It outlived all of that
It outwit us

It’s having the last laugh


AakASH!!! said...

are we too invited?
to share the laughter.

bricks and brimstone said...

I shall sit in the wavering shadows cast by you, watching you laugh...